darryl is filming the the new ride video, so im pretty siked to see how it turns out. its a cool concept, with some really good riders so it should be good. here is a video that ride just posted about it. tony is always keepin it real on trips, and stays hating on everything, thats why he is the
Monday, August 17, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
i am finally going under the knife to get my acl fixed. it has been almost 4 months since it first happened, and i have just been chillen being a bum. im siked to finally get surgery and work on getting better, and not just rotting away all summer.
in related news, Heino called me the other day because he heard i was a pill popper. he called pretty worried, because i guess some kid told him i had surgery and all i was doing was "poppin pills, drinking beers while on pills, and lifting a lot of weights" the kid said i was going crazy. hahah i haven't even got surgery and become a pill head yet, but i thought it was funny some one would just make that up and tell him.
im out the door to the hospital right now, i will post some pics when i get home. i will have a ton of free time so hopefully i will be posting more often.
in related news, Heino called me the other day because he heard i was a pill popper. he called pretty worried, because i guess some kid told him i had surgery and all i was doing was "poppin pills, drinking beers while on pills, and lifting a lot of weights" the kid said i was going crazy. hahah i haven't even got surgery and become a pill head yet, but i thought it was funny some one would just make that up and tell him.
im out the door to the hospital right now, i will post some pics when i get home. i will have a ton of free time so hopefully i will be posting more often.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
seany boy
im sure everyone has already seen the video of sean, aaron, and danny killing it at the dew. they did some crazy shit, and definitely deserved the win. make sure to go vote for them over on the ride website. give one of them an extra $1,000
B hunt and Zak were also at the dew. brian said he had a streak of bad luck. he had planned to be the triple threat (park, vert, dirt) but do to a fractured ankle, he only rode park. Zak made it through the open qualifier in dirt, so big props to him. im not sure how he did in the contest but im sure he was killin it.
the updates have been slackin, i think charlie and darryl gave up. i might just have to step my game up and start posting more often.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
back home!
after a 22 hour trip and a ten hour layover we finally made it back. the trip was awesome, thanks again to all the locals and I.H bike shop. heres a video from the trip. enjoy
Kink Taiwan 2009 from Kink Bike Co. on Vimeo.
Friday, May 29, 2009
two days left
taiwan has been awesome and the locals are sick. they have been taking care of us since day one. bringing us to cool spots, driving us where ever we need to go, we couldnt ask for anything better. big thanks to all them and IH bike shop. besides having a torn ACL and not being able to ride, this has been one of the best trips the team has been on. we have seen a bunch of crazy things, been to the sickest beach and stayed in the best hotels i have ever seen. not to mention everyone has been killing it. sean invents tricks on a daily basis, its crazy to sit back and watch him just session a spot without even trying. i will put some pics up when i get home but for now check the kink site for pics.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
the kink team and i are in taiwan, we got here a couple days ago and it has been awesome! besides it being 95 degrees and humid as shit everyday everyone is siked. we stayed in the best hotel i have ever seen, it had a flat screen tv in every room even the bathrooms! the locals have been really cool and they have showed us alot of cool spots. the food is crazy, and riding around the city is bizarre. its not unusual to see a family of four on a moped at anytime. anyways check the kink site for pics.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
AOTC= Attack Of The Crappy-ass-dvd
I'm no professional MX video critic or anything, but lets face it, everyone pretends to be so I might as well try to fit in.
Now, I guess I am a little biased in making this review. There's kids in it that I grew up riding with, and I've met the kids making the thing and they are certainly stand up guys. However, I'll do my best not do talk this shit up in spite of it all. So, without further rambling, here it is.
This video sucks. No lie. Like I said I'm no professional, but I definitely know the components of solid video these days. To start things of I didn’t see nearly enough scenery footage. No one was standing in a field or riding aimlessly down a side street or a bridge. I think there was only one shot of the Boston skyline, and lets be real, there are way prettier things to film than the Prudential building. What the fuck guys?
Moving on to the music choice, I was shocked when the video ended and I could only recall hearing one single rap song. Not to mention most of the other crap that the sections were edited too was some up-beat shit my parents would listen to.
Anyways, with the music choice being so boring I was hoping the filming and editing would maybe help cover it up. No such luck. It almost brought me to tears how rare it was for the camera to follow a dude down an entire city block to finish up a line, or how most of the filming was done in the daytime from a respectable distance. If you’re not zooming in on some weird shit like a flower or some bricks and them BAM you zoom out to a dude shredding a handrail, you are not up on your filming game. Bottom line is get your shit together AOTC, I’ll be surprised if this DVD sells a single copy.
All this complaining and I haven’t even touched on the riding yet. So without giving away any of the mediocre maneuvers that kids produced, I’ll fill you in on the good shit that you won’t see in this video.
There was a total lack of 1 ft. tall ledge footy which basically destroyed the movie right then and there. When I got halfway through and realized that wasn’t the style of this crew I almost puked and shut it off. Powering through my bout with nausea, I also came to notice how curbs were being almost entirely ignored. Why bother filming anything if it’s not going to end with a 180 off a curb?
With all this intense disgust going on in my head I was insanely relieved when it got to Chris Saunders and CB Combs split part once I realized there would be some freecoaster action about to happen. Oh how wrong I was. Everyone knows the reason the freecoaster was invented, and that is for long ass sliders. Down streets, hills, nice smooth skate park floors, whatever. Clearly these kids didn’t get the message and it more or less ruined their part.
I was excited to see my friends Jake Frost and Dave Deltoro’s part so I could make sure I was totally better than them. To my amazement, they both kicked ass. This pissed me off so much I fast-fowarded to the next section so I can’t even comment on them.
The mix sections actually looked like kids put in work (both editing and riding wise). This was unusual so I ignored them entirely and skipped on to the “real” sections. Unfortunately due to the lack of all the vital stuff I mentioned earlier I had to turn off DVD and watch some web videos on BMXboard to calm myself down. So, I didn’t get a chance to see Chris Zepieri and Craig Pasero’s parts. From what I hear though, after a an entire part of filler clips their last couple bangers might be worth buying the DVD alone.
So, I would definitely suggest buying this video. Not for the riding, fliming, editing or overall feel, but because it makes a really cool looking coaster for your coffee table.
So go check out the AOTC blog and tell them how much their video sucks.
Now, I guess I am a little biased in making this review. There's kids in it that I grew up riding with, and I've met the kids making the thing and they are certainly stand up guys. However, I'll do my best not do talk this shit up in spite of it all. So, without further rambling, here it is.
This video sucks. No lie. Like I said I'm no professional, but I definitely know the components of solid video these days. To start things of I didn’t see nearly enough scenery footage. No one was standing in a field or riding aimlessly down a side street or a bridge. I think there was only one shot of the Boston skyline, and lets be real, there are way prettier things to film than the Prudential building. What the fuck guys?
Moving on to the music choice, I was shocked when the video ended and I could only recall hearing one single rap song. Not to mention most of the other crap that the sections were edited too was some up-beat shit my parents would listen to.
Anyways, with the music choice being so boring I was hoping the filming and editing would maybe help cover it up. No such luck. It almost brought me to tears how rare it was for the camera to follow a dude down an entire city block to finish up a line, or how most of the filming was done in the daytime from a respectable distance. If you’re not zooming in on some weird shit like a flower or some bricks and them BAM you zoom out to a dude shredding a handrail, you are not up on your filming game. Bottom line is get your shit together AOTC, I’ll be surprised if this DVD sells a single copy.
All this complaining and I haven’t even touched on the riding yet. So without giving away any of the mediocre maneuvers that kids produced, I’ll fill you in on the good shit that you won’t see in this video.
There was a total lack of 1 ft. tall ledge footy which basically destroyed the movie right then and there. When I got halfway through and realized that wasn’t the style of this crew I almost puked and shut it off. Powering through my bout with nausea, I also came to notice how curbs were being almost entirely ignored. Why bother filming anything if it’s not going to end with a 180 off a curb?
With all this intense disgust going on in my head I was insanely relieved when it got to Chris Saunders and CB Combs split part once I realized there would be some freecoaster action about to happen. Oh how wrong I was. Everyone knows the reason the freecoaster was invented, and that is for long ass sliders. Down streets, hills, nice smooth skate park floors, whatever. Clearly these kids didn’t get the message and it more or less ruined their part.
I was excited to see my friends Jake Frost and Dave Deltoro’s part so I could make sure I was totally better than them. To my amazement, they both kicked ass. This pissed me off so much I fast-fowarded to the next section so I can’t even comment on them.
The mix sections actually looked like kids put in work (both editing and riding wise). This was unusual so I ignored them entirely and skipped on to the “real” sections. Unfortunately due to the lack of all the vital stuff I mentioned earlier I had to turn off DVD and watch some web videos on BMXboard to calm myself down. So, I didn’t get a chance to see Chris Zepieri and Craig Pasero’s parts. From what I hear though, after a an entire part of filler clips their last couple bangers might be worth buying the DVD alone.
So, I would definitely suggest buying this video. Not for the riding, fliming, editing or overall feel, but because it makes a really cool looking coaster for your coffee table.
So go check out the AOTC blog and tell them how much their video sucks.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The News
Aaron's going to Taiwan
New web edit might be coming
I more or less graduated college so we celebrated with a good old fashioned fire jump
Aaron is going to graduate in 2014
Sometimes you need to unleash a nothing in the kitchen
Sunday, May 10, 2009
France/Cali/Arizona B-roll footage
I got bored tonight and compiled all the bullshit footage on my computer from the above mentioned trips. It's not bangers, but most of it is funny, to me at least. Highlights for me are Crazy Tom, anything Tony, Jay's bar at the trails, and photo.net screaming at the top of his lungs. Enjoy.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
trips over
roadfools is over, it was a long trip for me because i was only able to ride one of the days. everyone was killing it though, hopefully the video turns out cool. check the kink site or the dig site for some photos. its good to be back home though, brian hunt came over the other day and got pretty loose, here are some photos.

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
hurt fools
its day 5 or 6 of the trip and everyone is getting takin out. aaron ross and i both came on the trip with hurt knees, kc fell on his face at a cement park, big daddy rolled his ankle doing a 720, BK crashed on his face and hurt his wrist doing a rail, randy taylor split his chin open, and the usual little crashes here and there. the bus broke down yesterday, the whole crew was able to go riding, but the hurt crew stayed with the bus and caught some rays on the lawn. we had some girls that got siked on the "tour" bus come hang out with us while we were chillen. aaron and i took her BMW for a ride, it was pretty random, but gave us something to do while the bus was getting fixed. anyways check the kink site for some pictures from the trip.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
roadfools day 2
its the 2nd day of the trip, people are killin it already. i hurt my knee yesterday, so i think im done for the rest of the trip. its alright though because the rv we riding in is sick, its like a living room on wheels. check the kink site for a couple of photos from the trip
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
darryl video over load
darryl just got back from australia and has a cool edit on the two by four site, so go check it out. i am also posting his part from the first bad timing video because i know he hates it so much. ive heard rumors of a new BT video in the works so get siked!
Monday, April 13, 2009
the kink and etnies team are heading out on april 20th for roadfools. its a a little different this time around but it should be a good time. not too much has been going on around here, charlie is still babying his wrist so he is not riding. i hurt my knee a couple weeks ago so im not riding, and brian is in columbia probably picking up babes and riding every day. i put up a couple pics from the last kink trip to let everyone know how we get down haha
Monday, April 6, 2009
Rye Recap
There's some good ass photos Jody shot at the Rye contest up on there site. The contest, despite being “run” by Aaron and myself, was pretty much a success. Things got a little hectic trying to watch and judge everyone flying around at the same time. However, I definitely saw some bangers happen. Everyone was going nuts but a few standouts were Rory doing the biggest barspin rye has ever or will ever see. Ian Bresnahan dispite not having pegs managed to do and barspin over-to-ice grind on the A-frame rail, he used some other kids bike which made it twice as nuts. Chris Z did some crazy tech shit including going down the rail, then manualing over to some ledge to tooth-hang 180. It was a close 1 2 and 3 spot but Craig “pampers” Passero came out on top, and deserved it too. I think he managed to truck driver every bank in the park in a single run, and then proceeded to truck off the middle island over all the ledges, not those pussy ass steps.
When it was all over and done with, Craig got first, Rory got second and IanBresnahan ended up with the bronze medal. That’s not to say other kids weren’t killin. Matty Long despite being lazy and too cool to take runs did a tooth hanger ET down the rail (which might have been the only down rail move all night)… nuts. Some kid named Dylan did some crazy shit on the middle island including a manual 180 down the steps. And to top it off Fids came out of nowhere to blast a huge crankflip in everyones faces.
So that’s the trick list. I think everyone had fun. Thanks to the sponsors and Charlie Combs for his crazy announcing skills. Go check out the AOTC blog, all those kids were killin it, and apparently have a video coming out that should be good. Oh, and Jake Frost got last place.
When it was all over and done with, Craig got first, Rory got second and IanBresnahan ended up with the bronze medal. That’s not to say other kids weren’t killin. Matty Long despite being lazy and too cool to take runs did a tooth hanger ET down the rail (which might have been the only down rail move all night)… nuts. Some kid named Dylan did some crazy shit on the middle island including a manual 180 down the steps. And to top it off Fids came out of nowhere to blast a huge crankflip in everyones faces.
So that’s the trick list. I think everyone had fun. Thanks to the sponsors and Charlie Combs for his crazy announcing skills. Go check out the AOTC blog, all those kids were killin it, and apparently have a video coming out that should be good. Oh, and Jake Frost got last place.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
the rye jam was last night and it turned out pretty well. thanks to everyone that came to hang out, and thanks to all the sponsors that helped out. big thanks to jody at timeless for hooking it up with some good stuff. on another note, brian is still in columbia and he sent some pics of him and drew B killin it
Friday, April 3, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
travel pop off
darryl is killin it in australia right now with the fit dudes, chase, van and dakota, helping them film for the new fit video. i just came across an interview of darryl from a magazine out of poland (i think), anyways check it out here.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
warm weather

its finally nice enough to ride in nh, so we have been pedaling around outside as much as possible lately. went to boston the other day, and started to play with a jump rope that was attached to the wall, it was a good time. just heard from b hunt, who is in columbia right now, he is having a great time. he says he fears for his life every time he gets in a car, i guess they drive really fast. "its a mix between ricky bobby and travis pastrana" -brian
Friday, March 27, 2009
Interview... kinda
The weather is getting nice, and street spots are getting uncovered from a bunch of gross snow, so I figured what everone wants to do is sit around and read about what Aaron and Darryl have too say ( and how ungoddly different it is ). Instead of sending them questions and then posting that shit, I am just going to write the questions out here and they can post answers when and how they feel like it. Hell, if anyone actually reads this thing, why not put your name up and give us some answers in the comments. Let us begin:
Full name?
Nick name(s)?
Favorite trick out there?
Trick you want eliminated?
How much can you bench press?
Goofy trend you go on back in the day?
Drink of choice?
Top 5 favorite non biking movies?
Who would win in a fight Daryl or Aaron?
Top 5 favorite songs?
Stupidest trend right now?
What's the wildest thing to happen to you while riding?
End it with 3 words...
Also, former SOM web-vid allstar, Brian Hunt will be in Columbia for a while as of today. Maybe we will get some sick photos from him soon if he doesn't end up in the hands of some slimy ass Columbian drug cartel.
Full name?
Nick name(s)?
Favorite trick out there?
Trick you want eliminated?
How much can you bench press?
Goofy trend you go on back in the day?
Drink of choice?
Top 5 favorite non biking movies?
Who would win in a fight Daryl or Aaron?
Top 5 favorite songs?
Stupidest trend right now?
What's the wildest thing to happen to you while riding?
End it with 3 words...
Also, former SOM web-vid allstar, Brian Hunt will be in Columbia for a while as of today. Maybe we will get some sick photos from him soon if he doesn't end up in the hands of some slimy ass Columbian drug cartel.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
cover boy!!

doyle got the cover of ride this month, i think thats his 37th cover to date. if you havnt seen it check it out here. along with getting covers, he opened a convenience store right next to Rye Airfield skatepark.
Monday, March 23, 2009
b hunt
brian was in florida catching some rays for the past week. he sent me an email to update the site, this is what he had to say.
yo dudes,
just got back from an awesome vacation down to florida to enjoy spring break with the lady. it was really mellow until we hit orlando and had the chance to get wild with a bunch of awesome friends. i forgot how much i loved florida. for those who dont know i spent my first 10 years growing up there. i also happened to pass one of the sweetest signs ever in knoxville tennessee right after flipping down a grass huill because of a rusty rail. you're gonna have to hit dkbicycles.com for the photos. on the plane ride home tomorrow i coming up with the questions for all the swagger bloggers. -brian?

yo dudes,
just got back from an awesome vacation down to florida to enjoy spring break with the lady. it was really mellow until we hit orlando and had the chance to get wild with a bunch of awesome friends. i forgot how much i loved florida. for those who dont know i spent my first 10 years growing up there. i also happened to pass one of the sweetest signs ever in knoxville tennessee right after flipping down a grass huill because of a rusty rail. you're gonna have to hit dkbicycles.com for the photos. on the plane ride home tomorrow i coming up with the questions for all the swagger bloggers. -brian?
I just got home from texas for sxsw. here's some pics of the times.

I drove 3500 miles total, spent way too much money, drank and smoked too many cigs, and it was awesome.
Here's a throwback of one my favorite people, just for good measure. This is from new years eve of last year, and there is a lot going on. I miss that crib.
I drove 3500 miles total, spent way too much money, drank and smoked too many cigs, and it was awesome.
Here's a throwback of one my favorite people, just for good measure. This is from new years eve of last year, and there is a lot going on. I miss that crib.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
rye jam
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
hard livin

charlie broke his wrist the other day, he's pretty bummed but he got a green cast for saint pattys day so that cheered him up a little bit. doyle also ate shit the other day out in austin. he pretty much ripped off half his face, so kiss that modeling career goodbye. times are tough but everyone is in good spirits
Thursday, March 12, 2009
rye contest!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Dualing interviews with Aaron and Daryl should be up soon, depending on how fast these guys can come up with some answers. The NH weather is looking rotten, so hopfully the Rye edit should be finished today. Maybe Brian will even get as street in this thing as he did down in Austin.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
first time riding outside this year, it was awesome. me, b hunt, jboy, and busby all rode boston for a little bit this weekend. a lot of chillen went down, brian grinded a really big flat rail...... it was crazy. charlie decided to stay home and ride inside, he learned a new trick........ tuck or suicide no hander???
Friday, March 6, 2009
Roller skatin
Due to bad attitudes and a ton of little kids and roller bladers at rye, the vid isn't coming along as smoothly as planned. Hopefully it'll be out next week. In the meantime, here's a weak ass video from the DC site that I never got any camera credit for... thanks Darryl.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
NH legend in NJ
My man Lee Hopkins in en route to Lindenwold. Drinks, smoke, and riding are in our future. I'm using my first post to show some love to my brother Ryan. He updated both of his sites recently and his work is fire as usual. Here's a little snack from V&V, which, coincidentally, is on the wall of my bedroom.

In other shit, here's a youtube classic featuring the blogmaster himself, and his home boy, (who i'm still not sure exists) Charlie.
And a big LOL from me. I'm wishing Navaz would have used this song to begin with, shits way better.

In other shit, here's a youtube classic featuring the blogmaster himself, and his home boy, (who i'm still not sure exists) Charlie.
And a big LOL from me. I'm wishing Navaz would have used this song to begin with, shits way better.
az trip

in case you havnt seen the kink arizona video, heres a link http://www.vimeo.com/3236866
i also put up a picture of darryl doing a b spin, enjoy it, pics of darryl doing a barspin are rare
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
new shit
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